Rural addresses made easier as bounded localities merged


following advice that the amalgamation of bounded localities in the former Longreach Shire has been gazetted by the state.

The former bounded localities of Camoola, Chorregon, Ernestina, Maneroo, Morella, Tocal, and Vergemont all ceased to exist on Friday leaving the amalgamated locality of ‘Longreach’ in their place. The former shires of Ilfracombe and Isisford had previously amalgamated their respective bounded localities prior to the formation of Longreach Regional Council in 2008. The move leaves only three bounded localities within the Longreach Regional local government area; Ilfracombe, Isisford, and Longreach.

In addition to merging the remaining bounded localities, Council also received approval for the renaming of several rural roads to better reflect their local names. The two initiatives have been coordinated to take effect at the same time so that impacted properties only have to notify authorities of their new address once.

The entire process began almost a year ago following a recommendation of Council’s Rural Lands Advisory Committee. Chair of the committee, David Morton, hopes the combined changes will make wayfinding easier for residents and emergency services alike.

“There’s been a difference over the years between official names and the ones locals use” he said. “It’s been a long process, but I think we’ve put something in place that makes more sense to the people that actually live in these areas.

"I would like to thank committee members and council staff for the time and effort they put in to achieve this outcome.”

The Mayor, Cr Ed Warren, said the committee had worked hard to sort through all the alternatives put forward.

“It’s all about common sense. We’ve got a lot of important local knowledge on our Rural Lands Committee. I really commend them on their efforts.

“They were instrumental throughout the public submission period, making sure everyone in the relevant areas got to have a say.”

Council has sent official notices to each of the properties impacted by the changes; and updated its own records. It will now be up to residents to notify any other agencies of their new address.

Donwload a map of the new localities

Download a full list of road name changes